This page has been updated to include the
Canadian data [link],
UK data [link] Swedish data [link],
Scottish data [link],
Northern Irish data [link],
Irish data [link] and
Australia data [link].
Released: 2019-09-30 Sustainable Development Goals |
These are not deaths being driven by immigration or the “baby boomers”.
We are not importing terminally sick people or dead bodies. On top of this, immigrants are more likely to have larger direct family groups (children).
Without immigration, the true extent of the death of Canada (and other countries worldwide) since 2020 is truly terrifying.
Is there a plan?
How they hide the true horror of escalating Excess Deaths.
Excess Deaths - ONS NEWSPEAK
The following charts show the numerous ways to define an Excess Death.
1. 10-year pre pandemic weekly average. This shows a slight increase in Excess Deaths during the 2019/2020 flu season
(normal at around 10K increase) followed by an explosion in excess deaths that currently sits at 346,213 and growing.
2. 5-year pre pandemic weekly average. This shows a slight decrease in Excess Deaths during the 2019/2020 flu season
(normal for a low mortality flu year at around 10,000 decrease) followed by an explosion in excess deaths that currently sits at 229,821 and growing.
3. ONS old formula
(rolling 5 years, excluding 2020 as an 'outlier'). This shows a slight increase in Excess Deaths during the 2019/2020 flu season
(normal at around 1,400 decrease) followed by an explosion in excess deaths that currently sits at 191,984 and growing.
4. New ON formula
(designed to hide the current excess deaths). This shows an ongoing significant decrease in Excess Deaths during the 2019/2020 flu season, continuing the downward trend
(11,000 decrease sitting at minus 41K in excess deaths at the start of lockdown). This is followed by an explosion in excess deaths that currently sits at 128,939.
The 10 year trend was showing an expected drop in Excess Deaths. This is shown to some extent in all methods opf calculation. However, all calculations show that the initial significant spike in Excess Deaths happened AFTER lockdown. This is repeated worldwide.
The problem that the UK ONS has created for itself in retroactively manipulating the data to fit a narrative is that in this case they now have to explain when Excess Death trends were showing a marked decrease in Excess Deaths before they triggered the lockdowns and then a subsequent explosion of all-cause deaths, not seen before. In fact, all formula's show around 60-70 thousand EXCESS DEATHS in the first three months of lockdown. This is the equivalent to ALL civilian deaths in the UK during World War II.
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UK Excess Deaths
11,142 more UK Excess Deaths in 2023 (almost 20% more) than ALL the UK civilians who died in WW2 (1939-1945).
68,227 - England and Wales
7,596 - Scotland
2,419 - Northern Ireland
79,415 -Total
67,100 - WW2
11,142 difference for 2023.

No matter how you slice the data for Excess Deaths, the picture is not looking good worldwide. This is a comparison using UK ONS, 5 year and 10 year pre-pandemic average for Excess Death calculations.
This page contains Excess Deaths for Canada, England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Sweden and Australia. For detailed breakdowns of Scotland's data I suggest following
COVID 19 is highly suspected to have been contracted by many of the athletes at the World Games in Wuhan China from October 17-28th, 2019. This would put the initial worldwide spread of COVID 19 as early as the first week of November 2019. Using a baseline of widespread infection by late November 2019 (supported by the number of respiratory virus symptomatic people at the start of the 2019/2020 flu season), this is a reasonable, supportable hypothesis. Blood samples and other tests have shown this to be the most probable start of the COVID 19 spread into Europe and North America.
There were no practical COVID 19 responses (lockdowns, masks etc.) until mid to late March in almost all European or North American countries.
So, what was the impact of this 'deadly' disease running rampant for 18+ weeks in places such as England and Wales (where detailed records of weekly excess deaths are recorded).
From reporting weeks of November 22nd, 2019, to March 20th, 2020 (18 weeks total) there were 2,527 reported excess deaths (using the moving 5-year average ONS data, which excludes 2020). In the next 18-week period post lockdown in England and Wales, (reporting weeks March 27th, 2020, to July 24th, 2020) there were 57,839 reported excess deaths. If we use a more accurate (not skewed by the pandemic numbers) period for the average baseline of 2010-2019, these numbers change to 5,853 and 62,565 respectively.
The bulk of excess deaths are normally recorded in the regular flu season of October to March so the initial 18-week reporting period above should have shown the majority of excess deaths. Considering COVID 19 was moving through the population without any preventative measures and through some of the most significant times (Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year) for a respiratory virus to spread during that first block of 18 weeks, as I said in my initial papers in 2020 using the CDC data available at the time, where are all the bodies?
Click image for research as published in 2020.
Continued here:
Table of reported 'presumed WITH' COVID Deaths (first posted in March 2020 and updated throughout the year)
[Link] to full article from 2020.
The reality is that COVID didn't kill people. The response to COVID did. Using that hypothesis, it is arguable that all excess deaths over the expected baseline for 2019 were the direct result of the COVID response and not COVID itself.
In most countries, the excess death rates for 2018 and 2019 were almost identical (or dropping slightly). So, using 2019 as a baseline for expected excess deaths, we see the following:
In England And Wales, using the UK ONS Data, based on ten-year average deaths to calculate excess deaths (2010-2019) to filter out the pandemic years, we see cumulative excess deaths above the expected excess deaths.
CANADA and Provinces February 13th, 2025
All-Cause Mortality by Age - 2010-2024.
In Canada, the number of excess deaths related to the COVID response is expected to exceed 350,000+ by the end of 2024. This number will grow as final figures for 2022/2023 have not been published for some of the larger provinces. The average 10-year excess deaths for a single year for Canada is 261,945. This puts the deaths attributable to the COVID response at over 130% of a SINGLE normal year's average deaths TOTAL for all causes .

In Alberta, it is even worse. The 10-year average for total deaths per year in Alberta is 23,637 deaths a year. The excess deaths attributable to the COVID 19 response in Alberta from 2020 to 2024 expected to hit over 40,000 by the end of 2024. That is almost TWO YEARS normal average deaths TOTAL for all causes deaths in less than four years ADDED to the total number of deaths in Alberta. Most of those excess deaths were recorded in 2022 and 2023 alone but 2024 is accelerating that number.
The biggest questions that should be on everyone's lips right now is what is killing people worldwide, and why is no one talking about it?

All provinces are lagging in reporting for 2023/24 and many are still modifying data as far back as 2010. Alberta, BC, N&L, NWT & Quebec have reported up to Week 49 for 2024. Nova Scotia deleted 6 weeks of 2024 data.
The two primary reporting tables (“By Cause” and “By Age”) differ significantly. Changes within these tables for the same data (to November 2, 2024) are startling. 82,315 deaths have been removed from the 2024 data. In the 2021 data, an additional 20,265 deaths were added and 20 removed. Further, the data reported as Canada vs the breakdown by Province differs to an alarming degree (up to 11,625 in 2024 alone).
In 2020, Canada was shut down due to daily ‘CONFIRMED’ COVID deaths. Yet, in 2025 Canada is still unable to provide semi accurate death data from month to month going back 15 YEARS. In one month, Canada removed up to 30% of the reported deaths from the previous month’s data just for 2024. This is NOT the same issue as “UNKNOWN CAUSE”.
Most provinces, & Canada, show a disturbing increase in deaths, especially in the younger population. In 2024, deaths in older age groups are increasing due to ongoing Care Home Lockdowns. These are not deaths being driven by immigration or the “baby boomers”. ALL 2024 provincial data shows this will only get worse from here.
2024 WILL be the worst on record for All-Cause deaths in Canada & we have not seen a reset for premature excess deaths since 2019 totalling 310,140 (25,825 more than ALL 2019 deaths & 4,610 more than ALL 2020 deaths). Whatever is causing these excess deaths is still happening (and it isn’t COVID).
In 2019, All Cause deaths under 45 dropped significantly in Canada (and most Provinces). Since 2020 that downward trend has turned into mass deaths of historic proportions.
Alberta |
British Columbia |
Saskatchewan |
Manitoba |
Ontario |
Quebec |
New Brunswick |
Newfoundland & Labrador |
These numbers are alarming, but it is worse than it looks. Between the January and January 2025 updates the provinces added OVER 130K deaths to the total for Canada (to the end of 2023).
Federal and Provincial totals for 2021/2023 differ by 21,575 in the same data set. Federal “By Age” and Federal “By Cause” totals differ by 14,275 reported deaths. Alberta, BC, & NWT have reported up to Week 44 for 2024. Quebec posted partial data for Week 43. However, even these numbers are not yet confirmed and will rise in the coming months.
2021 Changes |
2022 Changes |
2023 Changes |
All-Cause Mortality-COVID/Non COVID (2019-2024)
All Provinces
[Download PDF Link for March 2025 Data]
[Download PDF Link for By Cause - Jan-Feb compare Data]
[Download PDF Link for By Cause - Jan-Mar compare Data]