DKS DATA Consulting Group
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Richter 2020-2024 - FALSE HOPE is NO HOPE!

"Ask not why they would do this, but rather, why you would let them."

Society has spent 2 and a half years treading water.
It is time to get out of the pool. No one is coming to save you.
You need to stand up for yourselves.
"But I am Just one Person, what can I do?"... said 7 Billion People...
Following on from the psychology of the Milgram Experiments (Milgram Experiment 2020-22) and Solomon Asch (ASCH 2020-22) Curt Richter was a pioneer in social psychology who tried to understand the world of HOPE and how this impacted a person's reliance on others to save them to where they would 'tread water' to the point of exhaustion.

His experiments begin in 1951. His findings are now more relevant than ever...

Sadly, when applied to today. this is not a story of Inspiration. It is a story of False Hope.
Much like Stanley Milgram's studies, the real lesson was lost. Milgram's subjects were not 'just following orders'. They were fully participating in Engaged Followship.

In this case, Curt Richter demonstrated how False Hope can lead people to be apathetic to the point of death.

In this study, we have to remember that THE RATS ALL DIED waiting for someone else to save them. They never tried to get out themselves even though some could.
The lesson to learn is not how much you can tread water as that just leads to death.
The lesson is to understand that there is no one coming to save you. You need to get out of the water, save yourself and those around you.

In addition to Richter's findings we must also avoid just following the crowd in Social Conformity (ASCH).

The Psychology that has been used in the last two years, supported by big tech, is EVIL incarnate.

Stanley Milgram, Solomon Asch, Curt Richter.
From Engaged Followship (Milgram, 1961) to Social Conformity (ASCH,1951)...
Both played to perfection on both sides of this manufactured crisis.

Now both sides are fully engaged in the works of Curt Richter... Rats on a sinking ship...

Only YOU can save YOU - Richter 2022

Whose HOPE are YOU following?

One side holds out a mask or a vaccine while the other runs a CONvoy.

The more you 'believe' someone else is going to save you, the less you fight to survive.

Only YOU can save YOU.
Stop treading water. This is not over.

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Richter 1951, False Hope study [LINK]