DKS DATA Consulting Group
You can lead the Hordes to Data, but you cannot make them Think.
This page contains information related to COVID 19.
All information has been independently verified and peer reviewed and referenced directly to Government and Health sources.
For videos and more on this and other subjects go to the menu above;

COVID 19 - The Psychology behind programming a world.

From Milgram to Masks...

A collection of articles and an explanatory video with an accompanying presentation (at bottom of page). The psychology behind the #lockdownfiles and more. How the governments were trying to "scare the pants off everyone" worldwide. All of it was based on so much known FEAR psychology. Nothing less than criminal. Engaged Followship, Social Conformity, False Hope, Learned Helplessness, Digital ID, Masks, Social Engineering, Focused Protection and COVID-19- In The Beginning...How it all started.

Gaslighting from the start?
On January 30th, 2020 the WHO convinced the world to shut down with 171 'reported COVID deaths' WORLD WIDE. This is less than 2 deaths a day. On May 5th, 2023 the WHO declares COVID is all over with 480 'reported COVID deaths' a day in the previous week! [LINK]
There was no emergency until WHO manufactured one!

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Episode Eight: The Lies that Bind.
Lies Damned Lies and Sadistics Episode Eight (PDF Link)
Full Podcast
Rumble, Bitchute,, Twitter, Facebook

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WHO May 5th, 2023
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In the first 3+ months before a Global Lockdown, Canada reported 8 COVID deaths. COVID was unchecked for months and almost no one died. Even the All Cause mortality didn't change during this time. Yet three months after the lockdown and Canada reports 8,025 COVID deaths and climbing! Once the vaccine started rolling out the deaths exploded (and continue to do so).

What did they really die of? And where are all the bodies?
Where are all the bodies
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All Cause mortality
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