You can lead the Hordes to Data, but you cannot make them Think.
This page contains information related to COVID 19. (Email: [email protected] for more information.) All information has been independently verified and peer reviewed and referenced directly to Government and Health sources.
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The Government Lied and People Died…and they will continue to do so, until enough people STAND UP AND SAY NO MORE!
After a recent discussion with Professor Norman Fenton (Twitter) and Prof Martin Neil (Twitter), I decided to using the same methodology employed on the Canadian charts (deaths reported vs. the 10 year average from 2010-2019).
Under this lens the UK deaths look worse, but folow a similar damning pattern.
Using any of these methodologies it shows that excess deaths are rising rapidly year on year and this cannot be attributed to COVID.
Lockdowns and Vaccines are the clear causation indicator in the governments own data.
The annual reported deaths from 2010-2019 range between 484,391 and 539,340 with an average of 513,872 reported deaths a year.
From 2010 to 2014 (inclusive) the reported deaths were below the average for this 10-year period. Years 2015-2019 (inclusive) were slightly above the average, with 2019 being below the 2018 reported deaths (by 12,106) but still over the 10-year average. 2018 was a bad flu season overall.
Then we see a huge spike in 2020 which, as you have seen from the cumulative weekly chart, coincides with restrictions, not deaths from COVID. As there had been an effective cull in 2020 (killing off people early who would normally have died in the coming years), we see a drop in reported deaths for 2021 and 2022 (which is still significantly over the 10-year average).
2021 was the year of the primary vaccine push. We see from the cumulative weekly chart on excess deaths that the deaths coincide with the vaccine rollout and other restrictions. 2022 is largely 'free' (no lockdowns outside of Care Homes) with a flatline of vaccine rollout worldwide starting in February 2022. This is something many people are not aware of.
Governments worldwide stopped the aggressive push of vaccines in February 2022 almost in lockstep. Then in July 2022, they all stopped reporting the 'by vaccine status' of hospitalizations and deaths. That change wasn't as simple as just most people being vaccinated but had a nuance of what dose was seeing a rise in hospitalizations and deaths. Due to the continuous aggressive rollout and coercion of vaccines up to February 2022, it looked like the third dose and more were the primary risk for people. However, with the removal of that additional 'noise' of booster doses happening en masse, we started to see an alarming increase in all-cause deaths among the first and second-dose people (many who were six months or more on since their vaccination). Governments appear to have received their answer at this point.
There was NO SAFE DOSE.
Then we get to the truly alarming increase in average weekly deaths in 2023. Almost no vaccinations going on outside those that are now addicted to them and on their fourth, fifth or more - and worse, CHILDREN.
Now we have to go to the weekly average (as we are only part way through the year). We suddenly have another spike and one larger than ever beating out 2020 by a huge margin and breaking the downward trend of 2021 and 2022.
This is the truly terrifying reality of the long term impacts of even a SINGLE DOSE on society.
And it is getting worse, replicated the world over. Even in Sweden.
SWEDEN'S DIRTY LITTLE SECRET. The fallacy of “FOCUSED PROTECTION” "SWEDEN DIDN'T LOCK DOWN" - FALSE (Sweden locked down the 'Most Vulnerable' for 8 months in 2020.)
"Our World" & "Statistica" data has some lagging in reporting but reliable Swedish data is limited.
Sweden Excess Deaths spiked, mainly for Care Homes in 2020 when THEY were locked down as a result of 'Focused Protection' (Sweden's dirty little secret).
Excess Deaths in Sweden were almost double that of Canada, falling between Canada and the UK (4.4%, 8.5% & 13.1% respectively in 2020).
The UK implemented Care Home lockdowns and stay at home orders for the elderly, causing a larger spike in elderly deaths (along with other deadly protocols - #MidazolamMatt).
That is followed by spikes in Excess Deaths after vaccination programs.
Sweden has a lower rate of vaccination than Canada (supply issues and does not include those under 12, whereas Canada has vaccinated 6 months and up).
Swedish Excess Death rate in 2020 is double Canada due longer total ban on ANYONE accessing Care Homes (8 months vs. 3 months in Canada).
Sweden has an overall identical excess death rate to Canada from 2020-2022. >5%.
Under 20's 'WITH' COVID - Deaths Reported by Date - Latest update January 8th, 2023
While under 20 deaths 'with' COVID for the last 2 1/2 years are still under the average flu deaths A SEASON, they are continuing to increase.
What changed with each jump in deaths in this age group?
Where is the emergency under 20 years?
By the end of 2020 (pre jab), there were 2 reported COVID deaths under 20 in Canada!
That has been spiking with each dose despite COVID getting milder over time.
Worse than that. On April 17th, 2023 Canada removed 2,849 reported COVID deaths.
For the source data, you can find copies in the archived reports here.
Go to Archived Reports then Figure 7. Change the dropdown to "Deaths" from the Default "Hospitalizations"
And this week (March 29th, 2023) in Alberta it got worse, but it is almost like it didn't happen.
No press conference. No announcements. No CMOH!
First the vaccine rollout doesn't match the vaccine count for Alberta... How the Governments lie.
Alberta reported 10 children had been vaccinated with THREE DOSES under 5 years old as of March 13th, 2023.
However, Alberta has reported to Health Canada that 14 doses of Pfizer and 11 doses of Moderna had been given to children under 5 years as of February 26th, 2023. 25 doses vs 10!
How can this be?
The lie of moving the bodies into the age they are, rather than the age they were at vaccination.
This form of lie means that 4 years from now, they would show NO ONE under 5 received a vaccine in 2022/2023!
This got even worse on March 29th, 2023 with 76 (or was that 68) under 1 year old's being 'unvaccinated'.
By moving these infants into the next age bracket without moving the population base, the Percentage Vaccinated changes.
This happens every week in every age range, but is only noticeable when it results in an artificial drop.
This allows the government to hide more illegal (unapproved, unlicensed, under age vaccinations) and also makes it look like that age group is under vaccinated!
1 dose dropped from 4.1% to 3.9% even though there were more vaccinations given.
2 doses dropped from 1.3% to 1.2% even though there were more vaccinations given.
These manipulations were pointed out to the courts in 2021 by me. The courts and Alberta Justice DIDN'T CARE!!!
76 under 1-year-olds being unvaccinated in the data (76 'unvaccinated').
Was this infant one of those?
Was the delay in the data a week ago because of this?
What should have been the most distressing news of three years - the death of this infant- seems to have been lost.
No press conference, no announcement.
The biggest question of all is WHY? (and after 89 days).
A comparison of Influenza in Children
The 0-4 age group is normally the highest risk age group (per capita) for flu, despite flu jabs being part of the annual vaccination schedule from 6 months old.
When you add these numbers to the clear trend by jab, it is clear why the government has shut down access to the most important data and replaced it with propaganda.
These charts show the trend expectation for Deaths by vaccination status to be nearly 100% now. Yet the Vaccine rollout was flatlined for almost 6 months.
Now the vaccine push has restarted.
AEFI and Serious AEFI are through the roof and hospitalizations and deaths already beyond belief are about to explode.
But no one will panic unless they are told to. How do we know? Because everyone is walking around like it's over. They have been for 6 months.
This is despite the numbers of sickness & actual deaths being higher than ever. Almost 100% in the vaccinated groups.
5-11 are now being boosted. Bivalent rolling out. 6 months to 4 years now being vaccinated.
And Trudeau warning if 90% are not up to date: YOU WILL BE LOCKED DOWN!
930,555 Total Doses were given.
With the current Canadian criteria for 'up to date' there were between 2,712,858 and 3,486,137 Under/Non Vaccinated people in Alberta by December 12th, 2022. i.e. inneligable for a transplant.
Brace yourselves.
All they need to flip the fear switch is to start reporting the 'Cases' of illness already out there. 'Who cares about Cases' said Jason Kenney (Alberta PM)? Everyone does!
Without a COVID Case you don't have a COVID Hospitalization, COVID Death... or the fear and restrictions that go along with both.
I thought the vaccines reduced hospitalizations! I thought 'Omicron' was milder and less likely to put you in hospital!
Reported Active Cases against Reported 'COVID' hospitalizations chart.
Note that the scales are different but have been normalised to overlay in the visualization.
Have cases gone down in 2022 or were the Case stats inflated in 2020/2021 and deflated in 2022?
Now, take all the information on cases, deaths and vaccinations.
Add that to your own observations on how many people were sick (really sick, not 'asymptomatic') in 2022.
And remember, the Mask Policy for AHS now states "COVID and other respiratory viruses."
Lies, Damned Lies and Sadistics.
In Alberta in 2021, 'Unknown Cause' was the leading 'Cause' of Death according to Alberta Health. This is really a quirk of the reporting where the death is initally placed in a holding category.
The larger issue is the data being reported by Alberta Health to Albertan's is very different to that reported to the Federal Government (who receive their data from Alberta Health).
Stats Can Data for Alberta - Excess Deaths of 2019 baseline back to top of page
Stats Can Data for Alberta - all unknown causes of mortality. back to top of page
And not just Alberta.
Thought 3,362 a year was bad?
UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) Data.
Thought 1,300 excess deaths a week was bad in the UK?
Week of July 22nd, 2022 - 1,680 excess deaths
Week of July 29th, 2022 - 1,678 excess deaths
Can you see why they are now hiding the most critical data for Informed Consent as they roll out the jabs to infants?
I gave too many death messages in my career as a Police Officer. "The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis."
New Data for Canada - Serious AEFI.
No matter your opinion, you cannot ignore these Safety Signal increases.
38 times greater for AEFI and 78 times normal for serious AEFI.
Serious AEFI up to 10,906 by May 26th, 2023 (with an admission that Canada is witholding AEFI data).
132 AEFI under 4 years old.
807 AEFI in 5-11 years old.
This is doubling ever report and this is only the start for that age range!
Note that AEFI for this age group will take up to a couple of months to start showing up in the reports (assuming we still have reports).
However, this number of reported AEFI in such a short period already is significantly over any other vaccines.
28 is a 'normal' average for SERIOUS Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI).
The next round of vaccinations targeting infants normally accounting for 75% of all reported Serious AEFI.
What apathetic insanity allows this to continue?
38 times greater for AEFI and 78 times normal for serious AEFI.
Check the data. It's PHAC'ing insane!
By the end of 2021 the reported AEFI was;
64,197,951 Doses. 81,780 AEFI in 30,900 people. 6,829 SERIOUS.
March 3rd, 2023
97,575,702 Doses. 138,141 AEFI in 54,569 people. 10,685 SERIOUS.
That is an average of 15 SERIOUS AEFI A DAY (peak of 30 a day in February, 2022).
In 2009, Health Canada pulled a batch of Flu Vaccine due to 6 cases of allergic reactions = 1 in 28,333 doses.
In 2022, the number of AEFI per dose was 1 in 1,415. 2002 reported Serious AEFI per dose was 1 in 8,500!
In 2009, 6 TOTAL reported allergic reactions (regular AEFI) were enough to stop the Swine Flu Vaccine. In 2022, 15 SERIOUS ADVERSE REACTIONS A DAY - ALL YEAR - Justifies more push and roll out to the most likely to suffer an AEFI (Children under 7)
Expected 3,623 AEFI a year for ALL VACCINES, ALL AGES.
Yet the next group (under 5) normally accounts for most of the AEFI!
Normal expected for all (non-serious) Adverse Events Following Immunization is 3,623 (average).
For COVID that number is now 138,141.
We need to create a new term for this as 'SAFETY SIGNAL' doesn't cut it anymore.
DEFCON LEVEL 1 maybe!?
Arguing 'just sore arms' doesn't cut it for the SERIOUS AEFI.
It should be 135 a year. Health Canada has published reports of 10,685 SERIOUS AEFI!
38 times greater for AEFI and 78 times normal for serious AEFI.
And we are now pushing this on the infants who account for 75% of the average Serious AEFI in Canada.
Myocarditis alone
Nov 19, 2021 - NACI "less often than 1 in 1,000" DOSES
Nov 23, 2021 - CMOH Alberta - 1 in 2000 DOSES.
Jul 13, 2022 - CMOH Ontario - 1 in 5,000 DOSES
UK Office of National Statistics DATA 1 in 96 (All reported AEFI)
144,389,660 Doses.
1,508,466 Adverse Events Following Immunization (Safety Signals) reported by Doctors and vetted in the UK Office of National Statistics System.
On average that is 1 in 96 doses has an Adverse Event Report. Thought 1 in 5,000 was bad. 1 in 96
In April 2020 I wrote this. STOP, THINK, RESEARCH, SAY NO!
It was always about the Children
AEFI & Serious AEFI are off the charts.
Increases in COVID deaths under 20 from 2 in 2020 to 66 by 2022 coinciding with vaccine rollouts.
Even then Under 20 are at no risk from COVID but are the most at risk for Serious AEFI historically.
Remember the kids always were the target!
NACI Admissions
Do you know what Health Canada and NACI had to say about the 5-11 rollout?
You really should.
The following are NACI's words for the 2021 approval of 5-11.
Filed into Alberta Queens Bench Court in 2021 and ignored by at least 4 Justices/Judges.
Ignored/fought to keep out of Court by Alberta Justice.
Which is your favorite nightmare statement?
Lives depend on it.
More details on the Court filing here [link]
NACI - Statements on Approval of the 5-11 Vaccine Rollout - 2021. pfizer-biontech-10-mcg-children-5-11-years-age.pdf [link]
"While it is not justified to vaccinate children only to benefit others, the indirect, population-level benefits of vaccination can also benefit children. The overall safety and effectiveness data are limited for children."
"..the precautionary principle also justifies taking action under conditions of scientific uncertainty to mitigate vaccine-related risks, including through active post-market surveillance.."
"...using data available from other age groups and applying vaccination principles."
"Children aged 5-11 years are unlikely to be deemed capable of consenting to vaccination"
"Given the shortterm uncertainties surrounding pediatric vaccination at this time, children and their parents or guardians should be supported and respected in their decisions regarding COVID-19 vaccinations for the child,..."
"...whatever decisions they make, and should not be stigmatised for accepting, or not accepting, the vaccination offer."
"Any uncommon, rare, or very rare AE that occurs at the frequency less often than 1 in 1,000 would not be detected with this trial size"
"NACI will closely review emerging evidence and will update their recommendation, as well as its strength, as the evidence base evolves."
"Data from older age groups also suggests an extended interval may also be associated with a reduced risk of myocarditis/pericarditis following a second dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine."
"Currently, the risk of myocarditis/pericarditis in children following immunization with the 10 mcg dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is unknown."
"Real-world evidence in large pediatric populations is required to provide risk estimates of myocarditis/pericarditis and any other AE that may occur in children aged 5-11 years at a frequency less often than 1 in 1,000."
"Evidence from clinical trial data is limited due to limitations in the size and duration of follow-up of trial populations. However, clinical trials and studies in the real-world setting are ongoing."
"Evidence of protection against asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection is emerging for the mRNA and Janssen vaccines."
"There is currently limited evidence on the duration of protection and on the efficacy of these vaccines in reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2"
"There is currently minimal evidence to inform on differences in vaccine efficacy, effectiveness, or safety between individuals with and those without prior evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection at the time of vaccination."
Can you trust these people? I can't.
The very people managing the COVID narrative & COVID 'Deaths' in Alberta are the ones directing the injection of INFANTS!
Not just Deena Hinshaw though.
Jing Hu.
From the University in Wuhan China to $800,000 Alberta tax payer dollars in 2020-2021.
And they paid Jing Hu how much?
Trained in Wuhan China and only in Alberta Health from 2020.
Second in command to Deena Hinshaw. WHO is is charge really?
Paid $287,609.01 in CASH BONUSES 2020-2021.
That is $60,000 more than Deena Hinshaw.
The final failure of Society's Protectors.
Take off the uniform. Step away in disgrace. Hold your head in shame.
August 2nd - BC and Alberta rolled out Moderna COVID Vaccinations for 6 months to 5 years olds.
This follows the roll out in 2021 of vaccines for 5-11.
What was the risk benefit analysis? WHAT IS the risk benefit analysis?
Vaccine Rollout Data for Canada - December 4th, 2022.
0-4 years old - 157,624 1st Dose (approved 4 months earlier). In the first 2 weeks 46,437 1st Doses were given.
Minimum gap between 1st and second Dose is - 8 weeks and another 6 months for the Booster (Dose 3).
Yet 66,176 in the 0-4 age group have had 2 Doses and 296 have had 3 DOSES.
What is worse is the number of children who have received FIVE PLUS DOSES!!!
And also the number of people who have received up to 5 doses of Janssen (one dose), which is effectively a double dose of AZ on its own!
Vaccine Rollout Data for Canada - August 14th, 2022 (initial rollout under 4).
So we have 33,353 Under 5 year olds in Canada who have received an unapproved overdose of a vaccine even though the manufacturer says it was not suitable for that age group.
This is a repeat of the 5-11, 12-15 and 16-19 year olds rollout (none of which should have happened as there is an acknowledged ZERO risk in that age group and an acknowledged SERIOUS RISK FOR THE VACCINE in that age group).
How the Governments lie.
Alberta reported 10 children had been vaccinated with THREE DOSES under 5 years old as of March 13th, 2023. However, Alberta has reported to Health Canada that 14 doses of Pfizer and 11 doses of Moderna had been given to children under 5 years as of February 26th, 2023.
25 doses vs 10! How can this be?
The lie of moving the bodies into the age they are, rather than the age they were at vaccination. This form of lie means that in 4 years' time they would show no one under 5 received a vaccine in 2022/2023!
More Lies, Damned Lies, AnomaLIES and Sadistics. [Download PDF Link]
Health Canada publishes vaccine data by manufacturer doses & by age group.
6 months to 5 years has only one approved vaccine (Moderna).
5 years to 12 years has only one approved vaccine (Pfizer)
So, the two tables should match.
Yet from August 14th to September 11th, 2022 there are some alarming anomaLIES.
This is outside the discrepancies between Health Canada and Provincial Data, which is supposed to be the actual source.
Looking at the drop in some vaccines and deeper at the Provincial data (reported by Health Canada), we find that Ontario has not reported 5 years to 12 years data at all.
Even in that one table, the numbers continue to not add up.
How can 70,123 have at least one dose in that time period but 373,651 had at least 2 boosters?
'At least 1 Dose' is the SUPERSET of all the other numbers. i.e. all the other groups MUST be lower.
Then when we move to the second table. The total doses given in that time period is 1,276,136 doses to 70,123 people.
Even if you assume the first (and third) columns are mislabeled ('at least'), the total of all columns in the Doses by Age group is only 582,099...
That is still less than half the doses allegedly given in the manufacturer doses table.
If you have stood by while this happened, you are complicit.
Did you stand up against masks?
Did you stand up against lockdowns?
Did you stand up against 'Focused protection'?
Now is you last time to step up.
No celebrity will save you.
No politician will save you.
No teacher will save you.
No 'freedom fighter' asking for donations will save you.
No soldier will save you.
No health care professional will save you.
No 'lawyer' asking for donations will save you.
No police officer will save you.
No judge will save you.
THEY ALL FAILED WHEN THEY WERE NEEDED. "Anyone, then, who knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin"
Without it this is an assault.
NO SAFE DOSE UK ONS Data - Deaths by Vaccine Status ***Note that the UK ONS has stated they will not be producing this data from this point on, so the true impact of the vaccines will continue to be hidden (outside of the climbing Excess Deaths and climbing AEFI).