(8) I am smart enough to know...

First published on March 12, 2020
Chair Mask
I have questions...

A SARS-COV-2 Story. - Article 8 of 8
(Direct Link to all COVID Articles)

Published: March 12, 2023

This article was originally written in 2020/2021 but never published. Now for some updates.

Contrary to the CDC statements that 'masks' are for COVID, because COVID is different from other respiratory viruses, Alberta Health Services (AHS) decided in September 2022 to ensure masks are never going away.

Covid to other
After 2 1/2 years & multiple updates
AHS changed the Directive to go beyond COVID (contrary to CDC guidance)

The mask mantra to support this since COVID goes;

“I'm educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.”

Maybe you could share this around and get some answers from all the 'educated people'. Ask them to explain why masking an uneducated population (on mask and respirator use) with 'any old face covering' was ever a good idea. Ask them how forcing improperly modified adult masks on children and infants 2 and up, was ever a good idea! I really am genuinely curious. As a disabled person and unable to wear these masks (as per my many doctors' specific directions), this position impacts me directly (and has done for the last three years).

The images below are taken from a video linked directly from the Alberta Health Services official Masking Directive (since 2020). As of the latest March 6th, 2023 update, the video is still there providing direction on improperly/illegally modifying an adult mask against OH&S, Health Canada, FDA, and the manufacturers' own guidelines. See the video linked in Section 7.1b) of Alberta Mask Directive HCS-267.

Covid to other

“I'm educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.”

I have seen and heard the above statement too many times now and I really would appreciate some explanation from the people who are so well 'educated';
I assume we are talking about what is considered the deadliest virus humanity has ever faced. If it is not, how do you justify the reaction to postpone and cancel surgeries and treatments that directly caused the death of people like Jerry Dunham (Medicine Hat, Alberta, denied critical pacemaker surgery: Video: https://youtu.be/6K65RjWKhTs). A reaction that imposed restrictions that locked down a population, caused suicides, and even canceled every gathering event, including Christmas, and so much more. It has decimated the economy which leads to even more suffering in the present and future. Note, that isn't one of the questions.

“I'm educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.”
Why, while for everyone else the areas for masking has expanded (on May 6th, 2023) are the 'elite', their special visitors, and those out of public sight no longer required to wear a mask? Are they now somehow immune to the statement;

“I'm educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.”

Covid to other
Alberta Health Services HCS-267 update March 6th, 2023

Is the timing related to the admin and executive staff moving into their new AHS/Capital Care building so they don't have to wear masks required by everyone else at AHS facilities?

And how was the largest capital construction project in the history of Capital Care (a wholly owned subsidiary of AHS that locked down all of its Care Homes, isolating the most vulnerable from their family and loved ones since 2020), built during the 20th century's 'worst pandemic'?
Norwood 2019
June 2019

Norwood 2020
October 2020

Norwood 2021
May 2021

Norwood 2022
May 2022

While all of this was being built, the people in their 'care' remained locked up and isolated most of the time [link].

Care Homes
Focused Protection - The cause of most Care Home deaths during COVID

“I'm educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.”
“I'm educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.”
“I'm educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.”

I am starting to wonder...

Why did they not mask residents in care homes, when no one can see them, but insist they MUST BE MASKED at all times when outside the facilities?

In 2020, there were no incidents of transmission into my mother-in-law's care home by anyone other than the masked and well-trained staff. No transmission from residents going out to visit family. No transmission from family going into the facility. Why is that if masks work?

In care homes, the staff used PPE to a level no one else does (masks, gloves, gowns, goggles, face shields, constant temperature checks, and sanitization). These are staff who are highly trained in PPE use and infection control, working in a fully controlled environment. The same goes for hospitals for most 'outbreaks'.

Note that in 2023, this has become the 'new normal'...

“I'm educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.”

As the people making this statement are so well-educated, could they please explain this to me?

... Maybe?

I assume your mask is properly cleaned (if it is certified for multi-use), along with the dozens of others you use each day going from place to place. Surely you don't continue to take it on and off all day and breach even the most basic infection control guidelines from decades of medical studies?
Coloured masks

Now on to another of the 'caring' statements.

“If we could all live with consideration of others in mind, the whole world would be a much better place”.

I assume you are happy to support the 'exemptions' for others who cannot wear a mask, as per the many directives, bylaws, and provincial, state, and federal orders.


AHS directive stating exemptions from wearing a mask at AHS facilities (not honored by AHS)!

And what about British Columbia's Chief Medical Officer of Health's recent statements?

And yet the very people making the following statement have constantly attacked people like me for over three years now.

“If we could all live with consideration of others in mind, the whole world would be a much better place”.

Even though I don't need a doctor's letter, I do have one.

I don't need a doctor's letter to 'prove' I need a stick to help me walk.
My disabled mother-in-law doesn't need a doctor's letter to prove why she is in a wheelchair. Yet we are both constantly accosted to 'produce our papers' for masks!

As someone who fits the medical exemption category but is being attacked more regularly each day and denied my basic human rights for most of the last three years, I assume you would be strongly and vocally against that discriminatory behavior.

As such, I assume you don't judge those not wearing masks or are you one of the many virtue-signaling hypocrites?

Unlike the people who constantly judge me and others like me, I won't judge you though. I am just asking at this point.

AHS on the other hand...

December 1st, 2022 - Official response from AHS.

"the team has reviewed the policy for those deemed medically unable to wear masks and put in place measures to better to support patients"

"Deemed" - Who decides that?

And this is not what is stated in the AHS Directive.


AHS Mask Directive HCS-267 - CANNOT or WILL NOT

March 10th, 2023 - Official response from AHS.

"We have asked the screeners to produce a visual cue like a sticker for patients who have been screened but are not wearing masks."

After three years, this has gone beyond Discrimination by Design. This has resulted in an inability to receive urgent care that may be life-threatening for me and has been life-threatening to others.

I asked the now infamous ChaptGPT (Bing) about this... That was scary.

Looking forward to your answers as they may inform more than just myself. Hopefully, they are more sensitive (and less censored) than ChatGPT.

In the meantime... Some information on Masks...

COVID-19 Alberta Scientific Advisory Group Rapid Evidence Report - Continuous Masking Policies (4 July 2022)

Little to no evidence to support mask use!
"The evidence identified in this review cannot definitively show specific effect of continuous masking which started at the same time as multiple protective measures healthcare settings, and the level of evidence is not strong."

"...however, continuous masking may have some unwanted physical, emotional, and communication effects as well as environmental, and financial implications that should be considered."

"Continuous masking could have physical impacts on individuals as well as nonphysical impacts on inter-personal communication and the emotional elements of patient care..."

"the optics of a universal mask policy are also important..."
The 'OPTICS' of safety cannot drive policies that cause known harm.
For more on Masks - see https://dksdata.com/MASKS