DKS DATA Consulting Group
You can lead the Hordes to Data, but you cannot make them Think.
<>This page contains information related to COVID 19.
All information has been independently verified and peer reviewed and referenced directly to Government and Health sources.
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Care Homes

A Tragedy of COVID response.

After looking through this inforamtion, see the bottom of the page for the newly written Albert AG report with comments and links.
They never protected grandma, but we did, by not doing anything they said and calling them out every day.

Focused Protection was always the plan'.

'Protecting' them to death!
Alberta Excess Deaths.
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“I think this is very frustrating to me that we here we find ourselves everybody and has moved on from COVID
Premier Danielle Smith January 2023.

Does this look like "moved on"?
AHS Internal Update March 23, 2023.
AHS Internal Update March 23, 2023 [link to PDF with comments]
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Alberta - COVID - A Pathway to MAID While the talk is about #MidazolamMatt.
Remember it hasn't ended. It wasn't just the UK.
Here and NOW in Alberta.
COVID Drugs and Protocols as per AHS.
Curing a cold, or a pathway to MAID? (Death by Government)

Pathway to MAID
COVID 19 Risks - a Personal Message. - VENTILATORS KILL
COVID 19 A Personal Story - Postscript. - VENTILATORS KILL

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The First Three Months - Window Visits to an Isolated Senior - May 2021

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Care Centers in Crisis

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The First Three Months - Window Visits to an Isolated Senior - April 2021

Alberta Auditor Report 2020 COVID response in care homes (PDF Link with comments)
Alberta Auditor Report 2020 COVID response in care homes (with comments)
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This was recently sent to the Alberta Premier.
A PDF of the letter can be seen here:
January 29th, 2023 - Letter to the Alberta Premier. [Download PDF Link]

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The response from the Alberta Premier: - Send the Foxes in to Count the missing Chickens!!!
Died Alberta.
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A second letter has been sent to the Alberta Premier and more.
A PDF of the letter can be seen here:
February 28th, 2023 - Second Letter to the Alberta Premier. [Download PDF Link]

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A THIRD letter has been sent to the Alberta Premier and more.
A PDF of the letter can be seen here:
March 7th, 2023 - Third Letter to the Alberta Premier. [Download PDF Link]

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A FOURTH letter has been sent to the Alberta Premier and more.
A PDF of the letter can be seen here:
March 30th, 2023 - Fourth Letter to the Alberta Premier. [Download PDF Link]

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In 2020-mid 2021 EVERYTHING was COVID and most 'cases' were 'asymptomatic'.
Until the end of 2021, testing was at a level that became insane and with the error rates, it made EVERYTHING (even nothing) COVID.
This artificially INCREASED the COVID 'CASES' which in turn increased 'COVID', Hospitalizations and Deaths.
Into 2022, and testing ground to a halt, as did vaccination pushes.
By February 2022, testing and vaccine rollout were almost nonexistent (grading on a scale compared to 2021).

2020 - Deadly Alpha. Avg. Age: 82
2021 - Deadly Delta. Avg. Age: 80
2022 - Mild Omicron. Avg. Age: 78 (now back to 79 as of December 12, 2022)

Alberta 'COVID' Deaths by Year.

Died Alberta.
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In 2021/2022. Alberta Health/AHS moved almost 500 reported COVID deaths into 2020 in what can only be seen as an apparent attempt to falsify the perceived risk of death in one specific group.
Or did they just group almost 500 old deaths into January 2021 to terrify a population?
Which lie is worse?

By reclassifying deaths from the year they died to the year they were put into the system with an initial COVID diagnosis.
Or, by delaying the reporting of deaths throughout the last three years reports of deaths at any point in time, the government data was artifically manipulated to fit a narrative.
Which lie is worse?

Died Alberta.
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In some cases, the time from that diagnosis to a reported death (or time to report a death) was up to 768 days for someone in the over 80's category. Alberta has COVID deaths reported as high as 105 years and even 107 years old, so the 80+ category is quite large.
With the huge rise in Excess Deaths in Alberta, NOW is the time that that data is the most critical.

Compared to 2019, All Cause Mortality in Alberta is bad.
Alberta Excess Deaths.
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Compared to the 20 year average, All Cause Mortality in Alberta is catastrophic.
Alberta Excess Deaths.
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For more on Alberta Deaths see Alberta Dead

And while all of this was happening (and continues) in Care Homes in ALberta... Capital Care and AHS undetook their largest ever construction project.
That project was opened on 28th March 2023 in the greatest presentation of hypocrisy to date.

A complaint/letter to the Premier, Capital Care and AHS Patient Relations has been sent March 31st, 2023.
March 30th, 2023 - Fourth Letter to the Alberta Premier. [Download PDF Link]

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Sweden - All Cause Deaths
Be careful of using Sweden as the 'Control'. It was the Control but for 'Focused Protection'. Sweden locked down Care Homes and they saw significant excess deaths in 2020 while the rest of the population saw steady numbers.
Deaths dropped in 2021 in Care home ages as they opened up a little and the Care Homes had already been hit hard.
2022 saw increases in deaths in all age groups (over 2021) which may be attributable to vaccine rollouts based on age groups hit hardest when COVID was not really a risk factor.

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