(9) The Einstein Puzzle REBOOTED.

First published on June 26, 2018
Life Monolith.
The Einstein Puzzle REBOOTED.

The Einstein Puzzle REBOOTED.
(Direct Link to all professional Articles)

PDF of articles here: Are we the New Digital Soylent Green - PDF
("Soylent Green Is People").

How does a puzzle from the early 20th century impact GDPR, AI, Deep Learning, Forensic investigation and more? Read on and see. Then watch the accompanying video (Puzzle and Solution together). Be careful though as the solution is included. Click here for a stand alone video of the Puzzle and here for a stand alone video of the solution.

The following is a revisit to this puzzle allowing you to try again using ONLY YOUR MIND.

  1. There are 5 houses in five different colors.
  2. In each house lives a person with a different nationality.
  3. These five owners drink a certain type of beverage, eat a certain food and keep a certain pet.
  4. No owners have the same pet, eat the same food or drink the same beverage.
The question is: Who owns the horse?


Possible Nationalities


Possible House Colours


Possible Beverages


Possible Food


Possible Pets


Some hints were provided in the original so here they are updated;

  1. the Scott lives in the blue house
  2. the Swiss keeps a fish as a pet
  3. the American drinks coffee
  4. the yellow house is on the left of the purple house
  5. the yellow house's owner drinks milk
  6. the person who eats cucumber has a dog
  7. the owner of the red house eats apple
  8. the person living in the center house drinks tea
  9. the Canadian lives in the first house
  10. the person who eats banana lives next to the one who keeps a bird
  11. the person who has a cat lives next to the person who eats an apple
  12. the person who eats orange drinks water
  13. the French person eats carrot
  14. the Canadian lives next to the green house
  15. the person who eats banana has a neighbour who drinks soda

Have fun and let me know how you do.

Einstein Test Rebooted - Complete Test and Solution

Einstein Test Rebooted - Complete Test

Einstein Test Rebooted - Complete Solution

David Dickson is a Consulting C.E.O. and owner at DKS DATA
www.dksdata.com). Our Services
Remember to eat your Soylent Greens.

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