Stats Canada - Life Expectancy report - An analysis.

(Updated August 9th, 2024)
A PDF of this article can be found here:

Lies, Damned Lies and Sadistics - How the government lies and how others capitalize on those lies.
Canada's All Cause Mortality data is devastating, but presenting misleading information about the stats is not helping anyone.

Stats Canada has just published a report on the drop in life expectancy in Canada and used (in part), All Cause Mortality data to support that position. Multiple parties have commented about this report but one thing that is disturbingly absent is anyone addressing the errors and omissions that are clear from even a cursory glance. It is a pattern that has been repeated on both sides of the COVID argument throughout the last four years. This has been repeated in the last year in Alberta in a way that can only be described as criminal (see Auditor General report on COVID in Care Homes in 2020 -

As a result, the public is being fed disinformation from both sides which ensures nothing is resolved.
Do you think this is an accident?

The Stats Canada report in question can be found here;

The November 27, 2023 report on Deaths in Canada for 2022 is circulating without any real analysis. What is most disturbing (other than the glaring errors in the report) is that no one seems to have “Fact Checked” with Stats Canada's own data before reporting on it.

The report references 38 tables (files) with 11,638,080 rows of data. These tables have data from 1981-2022 and none have the latest data for 2022 or 2023. The latest data is in another 5 tables from Stats Canada that are not even referenced in this report. Did anyone really analyze all of that? I did.
Most of the 2023 data is still not in for Canada and some Provinces have not reported a complete year for 2022. In addition, Stats Canada reports differing numbers between the Provinces and Federally in the same data.

This report about “unspecified causes” and age expectancy is deliberately misleading and allows for the information to be debunked which distracts from the real issue of ever-increasing Excess Deaths worldwide.

Even a cursory review of the Government report shows many errors. The most glaring is that [Table 1] references a data source that does not contain that breakdown of data. How this did not raise red flags with everyone who alleges to have analysed the report is baffling. It certainly brings their credibility into question.


File 13-10-0394-01 ( does not include 'Other' “ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality”.

Most of the data in this table comes from 13-100-392-01 or 13-100800-01 (it could be either), with the final row coming from file 13-10-0155-01. These are not equivalent data sets as they are specifically grouped differently by ICD-10 codes. Mixing and matching data sets in this way is deliberately misleading.

When digging further, the clear manipulation of the presentation of the data is nothing less than criminal. By cherry picking the grouping from within the data sets, we see a 'Rank' table that fits a narrative, not reality.

In the tables below, I have included the ICD-10 codes (which have been removed from the reports [Table 1]). These show some of the manipulation by selective grouping.

13-100800-01 as represented in Table 1 of the report, but with the ICD-10 code groupings.

In addition, 13-100155-01 (final row in Table 1) as presented in the report, but with the ICD-10 code groupings.


13-100392-01 as presented in the report, but with the ICD-10 code groupings.


Plus 13-100155-01 (final row in Table 1) as presented in the report, but with the ICD-10 code groupings.


Each of these tables contains data from 2000 to 2022 but only 2019 to 2022 is shown. 13-100155-01 has 148 ICD-10 code groupings to choose from. 13-100392-01 has 143 and 13-100800-01 has 142. As [Table 1] in the report is supposed to show the Top 10 causes of deaths in Canada, the cherry picking of data to display is interesting to say the least.

Let us start with the additional tagged on data set 13-100155-01. This source data has 189,948 rows and includes breakdowns both Federally and by Province. This file (13-100155-01) can be found here:
“Deaths, by cause, Chapter XVIII: Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00 to R99)”

It is interesting that [R99] is selected from 13-100155-01 as there were two other categories that could easily have been shown from this table.


As Stats Canada have used [R99] as the chosen data set, it is important to check that against the most current dataset Stats Canada provides for that specific ICD-10 code.

Do the numbers match? Not even close.

Code [R99] is actively tracked and reported by Stats Canada in the table 13-10-08100-01 (, yet this is not included in the references for the report.

16,043 Other “Ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality” in the published report.

However, there are, in fact, two categories in which deaths are temporarily placed that change over time as more information is provided.
"Information unavailable" & other "Ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality [R99]"

The largest of these is usually "Information unavailable" in the most recent year.

In the current Canadian Data "Information unavailable" is reported as 8,540 for 2022, up from 315 in 2021. 2023 is reported as 105,215 though (and that is just up to Week 36).

For "Ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality [R99]" 2022 is reported as 9,990 for 2022, up slightly from 9,545 in 2021 which was up from 2020 (9,185), double that of 2019 at 4,170.

13-10-00810-01 as of January 18th, 2024.

13-10-00810-01 as of December 14th, 2023.

How about tables 13-100800-01 or 13-100392-01. Is the data presented in [Table 1] really the Top 10 from the source table(s) (ignoring the addition of the data from 13-100155-01)? Not even close. Depending on the year, it covers a selection between the Top 31-39 entries.

And where is MAID in this list? It isn't.
Instead, Stats Canada codes these deaths by the reason MAID was chosen rather than the actual cause of death which is assisted suicide. Yet again, the government is hiding the bodies with disinformation.

Strange that they never reported COVID this way.

13-100800-01 sorted by number of reported deaths.


13-100392-01 sorted by number of reported deaths.


So, what are the 'real' numbers (if there even are any reliable sets of data at the moment).
And for the people doing the analysis of this report, why are you not screaming about 112,015 'ill-defined' and 'information unavailable' deaths in the data for 2023?


Most of the 'information unavailable' deaths in 2023 are from Ontario. Ontario has not reported a single cause of death in 2023. Ontario also has no reported deaths with Health Canada/Stats Canada since Week 28 of 2023. In the latest January 18th, 2024 update the data up to Week 28 was updated, but no new information was added beyond Week 28.

For over 2 years, we were bombarded by the daily COVID death count. Now, suddenly, Ontario does not know what anyone died of for a whole year! This impacts the reporting of All-Cause, Excess and individual causes of deaths for Canada in a monumental way.

For a full breakdown of Provincial data see:



Anyone who has been analyzing Excess Deaths for Canada (and beyond) will know that the “48,780 Excess Deaths in 2022” headline is misinformed at best. The actual increase from 2019 to 2022 is currently 59,065.
Note that this table is missing information from multiple Provinces for 2022 and only includes data (partial) up to Week 36 in 2023. These numbers for 2022 and 2023 will continue to increase.

More details can be found in 13-10-00768-01 (as of December 14th, 2023.)
Note that in this table, the Provincial breakdown does not match the Federal line items.
Where are the extra Federal deaths coming from?


And speaking of Provincial data not matching the Federal data (despite Health Canada receiving their data from the Provinces). How does the reporting from Alberta Health match against the published data from Health Canada?

Alberta Health - Data for 2019-2021 published July 2022 & September 2023

Health Canada Data for 2019-2023 published January 2024

Health Canada Data for 2019-2023 published December 2023

And herein lies that statistical lie “Ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality [R99]”, exposed in all its glory. Although Alberta still shows 2021 with 3,362 deaths in this placeholder category, Health Canada shows the more updated 665 (up from 640 in December 2023) deaths. As the data is ever changing, it is difficult to determine with a level of certainty where those deaths were moved, especially as Alberta is actively rewriting COVID deaths on a week-by-week basis going back as far as early 2020. For more on this, see

As far as 'COVID' deaths in this report, this all depends on the definition of a COVID death. The reality is that due to the manner in which 'COVID' Cases, Hospitalisations and Deaths have been manipulated, it is impossible to say how many (if any) people died purely of COVID i.e. would have not died but for COVID. From the information available, it is very likely that all Excess Deaths and those deaths associated with COVID since 2020 are all COVID Response Avoidable Deaths -

From Care Home lockdowns, improper diagnosis and deadly 'treatments' to ventilators, masks, financial woes and untested vaccines - the cause of these deaths all stems from the provable lies that started in 2020 and continue to this day.

Until someone in authority steps forward and admits to the lies that have been told and lets the Police and Courts do their job… avoidable deaths will continue. To that point, at this rate, we will not run out of time, we will run out of people.

For copies of the reference material (including a copy of the Stats Canada report) see:


13100142 Malignant neoplasms [C00-C97]
13100392 Malignant neoplasms [C00-C97]
13100800 Malignant neoplasms [C00-C97]

13100392 Diseases of heart [I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51]
13100800 Diseases of heart [I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51]

13100392 COVID-19 [U07.1, U07.2, U10.9]
13100800 COVID-19 [U07.1, U07.2, U10.9]

13100392 Accidents (unintentional injuries) [V01-X59, Y85-Y86]
13100800 Accidents (unintentional injuries) [V01-X59, Y85-Y86]

13100392 Cerebrovascular diseases [I60-I69]
13100800 Cerebrovascular diseases [I60-I69]

13100155 Chapter XVIII: Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified [R00-R99]
13100155 Other ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality [R99]
13100155 Ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality [R95-R99]

13100392 Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified [R00-R99]
13100800 Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified [R00-R99]

“Cause of death (ICD-10)” - 5,694 unique code groupings
“Leading causes of death (ICD-10)” - 53 unique code groupings




In closing, it is worth noting that there was some information buried in the attachments that has not received much attention.

What does "SAFE" mean in Canada?

Did you know that there were 12 CONFIRMED COVID VACCINE DEATHS in Canada by the end of 2022?

6 in 2021 and 6 in 2022.
7 males and 5 females from the age of 50 to over 90.
Although 455 deaths have been reported in Canada as an AEFI, the Canada AEFI site still only lists 4 deaths associated with the vaccine as of September 15th, 2023.

This information on the confirmed 12 deaths is buried in a file under;
"Deaths, by cause, Chapter XXII: Codes for special purposes (U00 to U99)"

This file is an attachment to the recent report on lower life expectancy in Canada. Yet there was NOTHING mentioned about this in the report.

